UPDATE: in my next Blog there is a better variant of this script!
Working with my
video cutting-plan scripts
I found that I would like
to completely move to ffmpeg, because OpenShot is
simply too slow on my weak(?) machine
(it takes minutes to move a 30 minutes clip collection 4 seconds to the right, once it even crashed).
What I'm giving up then is smooth transitions between the clips, fades, and text overlays,
as this would require re-encoding and takes a lot of time.
But I don't want to publish a video without title,
thus I tried to create a script that produces a title that I can prepend to
the cuts generated by my cutVideos.sh script.
It is a simple text, optionally several lines, on a black background.
This Blog contains the source code of titleForVideos.sh.
Everything here refers to MP4 videos, ffmpeg for Ubuntu LINUX,
and I am not an ffmpeg expert.
What we need:
A text file containing the title text, named title.txt by default.
It can contain newlines.
Locate it where the videos are, like cuts.txt.
This is the best location, so why support others?
A fixed file name for the resulting video: TITLE.MP4.
The script cutVideos.sh can search for that naming convention
and integrate the title when found.
A template video that gives some basic properties to use for the title video,
so that it can be prepended to the clips without re-encoding.
What I took from the template is the video-encoding (only h264 is accepted),
the frame-rate, the pixel format, width and height, for audio the audio-encoding and the sample-rate.
Implementation titleForVideos.sh
Following are all script fragments in the order they appear.
At the end of the article you can find its complete source.
I will explain every fragment in detail.
Mind that this is a UNIX shell script and you need
CYGWIN to run this on WINDOWS operating systems.
Script Settings
duration=4 # secondsfontcolor=yellow # foreground colorfontsize=100 # size of text in pixelstitleVideo=TITLE.MP4 # file name of the title video
When you want different title properties,
you can set them on top of the script file (not from outside).
But you shouldn't change TITLE.MP4, because this is a naming convention for cutVideos.sh.
Argument Checks
[ -z "$1"]&&{echo"SYNTAX: $0 videoDir/[TARGETVIDEO.MP4] [title.txt]" >&2
echo" Creates a $titleVideo video with same properties as videos in given directory." >&2
echo" The text of the title must be in a file title.txt where the videos are." >&2
exit 1
}if[ -d $1]thencd$1||exit 1
videoTemplate=`ls -1 *.mp4 *.MP4 2>/dev/null | head -1`# first found video[ -f "$videoTemplate"]||{echo"Found no video template in $1" >&2
exit 2
}echo"Using $videoTemplate as video template" >&2
elif[ -f $1]thencd`dirname \$1`||exit 2
videoTemplate=`basename \$1`elseecho"No video template given: $1" >&2
exit 3
fititleText=$2[ -z "$titleText"]&&titleText=title.txt
[ -f $titleText]||{echo"Found no file $titleText containing the title where the video is: `pwd`" >&2
exit 4
If the first argument was not given (empty), the script outputs its syntax and exits.
If the first argument is a directory, the script changes to the directory
and uses the first found MP4 file as properties template.
When the first argument is a file, the script uses that as properties template
and changes into its directory.
In any other case an error is written to stderr and the script exits.
The second argument is optional and gives the name of the file holding the title text.
It must be located inside the video directory.
When it was not given, title.txt is assumed.
If it does not exist, an error is written to stderr and the script exits.
Read Video Properties
I want to create a title video with same technical properties as the video I will use the title for,
so that I can prepend it without re-encoding.
streamProperty(){# $1 = stream name, $2 = property name
ffprobe -v error -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 -select_streams $1 -show_entries stream=$2$videoTemplate}# get video propertiesstream=v:0 # first found videocodec_name=`streamProperty \$stream codec_name`["$codec_name"="h264"]||{echo"Due to a missing mapping from codec_name to ffmpeg libXXX only h264 is supported." >&2
exit 5
}rate=`streamProperty \$stream r_frame_rate`pixelFormat=`streamProperty \$stream pix_fmt`width=`streamProperty \$stream width`height=`streamProperty \$stream height`# get audio propertiesstream=a:0 # first found audioaudio_codec=`streamProperty \$stream codec_name`sample_rate=`streamProperty \$stream sample_rate`echo"rate=$rate, size=$width/$height, pix_fmt=$pixelFormat, audio_codec=$audio_codec, sample_rate=$sample_rate"
The shell function streamProperty() works
with the global variable $videoTemplate and
two given parameters $1 and $2, which must be the stream and the property name.
(Mind that you don't declare parameters on shell functions.)
The function holds a ffprobe command with two placeholders for stream and property-name.
In the moment of function-execution the command is evaluated with given $-parameters.
To provide this function avoids to repeat the (complex) ffprobe command as many times as you need properties.
The function is then called in a command-substitution with different streams (video, audio) and property names.
This gives the values of the properties, needed to create a compatible title video.
The script exits when the video encoding is different to "h264" because
I have no mapping between codecs and ffmpeg libs, thus I anticipate MP4.
Finally the properties are written to stderr, so that we can check them for correctness.
They will be used in the subsequent ffmpeg command.
In case the TITLE.MP4 video already exists, it is removed.
The following ffmpeg command consists of several parts (lines).
The parts are split using a backslash, which is the shell escape for newlines.
The first line creates a black color background with given dimension, frame-rate, and duration in seconds.
The second line creates an empty audio stream with given sample-rate and same duration.
The third line draws the text on center of the screen.
The 4th line defines the video output codec and sets the pixel-format.
The 5th line sets the audio codec.
The last line finally gives the output video file name.
In case the command fails, an error message is written and the script exits negatively.
Complete Source
######################################################## Creates a title for a video with text in file title.txt.#######################################################titleVideo=TITLE.MP4 # file name of the title videoduration=4 # secondsfontcolor=yellow # foreground colorfontsize=100 # size of text[ -z "$1"]&&{echo"SYNTAX: $0 videoDir/[TARGETVIDEO.MP4] [title.txt]" >&2
echo" Creates a $titleVideo video with same properties as videos in given directory." >&2
echo" The text of the title must be in a file title.txt where the videos are." >&2
exit 1
}if[ -d $1]thencd$1||exit 1
videoTemplate=`ls -1 *.mp4 *.MP4 2>/dev/null | head -1`# first found video[ -f "$videoTemplate"]||{echo"Found no video template in $1" >&2
exit 2
}echo"Using $videoTemplate as video template" >&2
elif[ -f $1]thencd`dirname \$1`||exit 2
videoTemplate=`basename \$1`elseecho"No video template given: $1" >&2
exit 3
fititleText=$2[ -z "$titleText"]&&titleText=title.txt
[ -f $titleText]||{echo"Found no file $titleText containing the title where the video is: `pwd`" >&2
exit 4
streamProperty(){ffprobe -v error -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 -select_streams $1 -show_entries stream=$2 $videoTemplate"}# get video propertiesstream=v:0 # first found videocodec_name=`streamProperty \$stream codec_name`["$codec_name"="h264"]||{echo"Due to a missing mapping from codec_name to ffmpeg libXXX only h264 is supported." >&2
exit 5
}rate=`streamProperty \$stream r_frame_rate`pixelFormat=`streamProperty \$stream pix_fmt`width=`streamProperty \$stream width`height=`streamProperty \$stream height`# get audio propertiesstream=a:0 # first found audioaudio_codec=`streamProperty \$stream codec_name`sample_rate=`streamProperty \$stream sample_rate`echo"rate=$rate, size=$width/$height, pix_fmt=$pixelFormat, audio_codec=$audio_codec, sample_rate=$sample_rate"[ -f $titleVideo]&& rm -f $titleVideo
ffmpeg \
-f lavfi -i color=c=black:size=$width/$height:rate=$rate -t $duration\
-f lavfi -i anullsrc=sample_rate=$sample_rate:channel_layout=stereo -t $duration\
-vf "drawtext=textfile=$titleText:fontcolor=$fontcolor:fontsize=$fontsize:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2"\
-codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt $pixelFormat -profile:v high \
-codec:a $audio_codec\
-shortest $titleVideo|| exit 6
echo"Created $titleVideo in `pwd`"
When you cut videos, you normally use a graphical user-interface that facilitates
loading of video files, cutting and arranging them onto a timeline,
where you also can put transitions between the clips.
Finally you "export" the timeline to a result video.
I used the free OpenShot tool
for a long time now, but when you have a 30-minutes video arranged on the timeline,
it takes up to 10 seconds until a cut is actually performed (4 CPUs, 8 GB memory).
That is a confusing (did it crash?) and time-consuming work.
So why not automate it?
There is an open-source command line tool called ffmpeg,
developed since 2000, that provides video conversion, editing, and lots more.
It made a major quality jump in 2014 when over 1000 bugs were fixed.
OpenShot uses it, like many other multimedia tools do.
I tried to utilize it for my video cut automation, and it worked, so here is what I have to contribute.
Mind that I cover MP4
only, not MOV, WMV, AVI or other video formats.
ffmpeg Commands
You can install ffmpeg on LINUX by entering
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
in a terminal window.
Following would cut losslessly
from second 5 to the end of video input.mp4 into a new video output.mp4:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 0:5 -c copy output.mp4
Next would cut losslessly from hour 1 minute 2 second 20 to hour 2 minute 3 second 30:
Following would cut from minute 3 second 30 to minute 4 second 40 and convert losslessly to the "transport stream" (ts) format.
Such files can not be displayed, but videos with different technical backgrounds can be combined when they are in this neutral format:
Mind that when I say "losslessly" I don't mean without quality loss.
Due to precise "output seeking"
(-ss AFTER -i)
it could happen that you have
frozen or black images on start or end of the clip,
because of missing
at the cut position.
Inprecise "input seeking" on the other hand
(-ss BEFORE -i)
would always cut at key-frames,
but you lose time precision, in range of 1 or more seconds.
This is a
broadly discussed topic on the internet.
After some bad experiences with non-appearing title videos when converting to MPEG/TS-format (transport stream)
I would actually recommend to use the inaccurate "input seeking":
ffmpeg -ss 5 -i input.mp4 -c copy output.mp4 # removes the leading 4-5 seconds
However you use it, ffmpeg is a technical approach,
and you will have to find out a little about video technology.
Following command would
losslessly concatenate
the videos named in filelist.txt,
in case they all come from the same camera (same codecs, time-bases, ...):
The next command would losslessly concatenate
the videos when they have been generated as mpegts (transport stream) because they came from different cameras:
These 5 commands should be enough to facilitate automation of a video cutting-plan.
Use Case
My way to produce a video:
Write a cutting-plan while watching the video clips in some good video player (not OpenShot),
resulting in a list of video file names, each with 1-n interesting time sections
Cut out the interesting time sections, following the cutting plan
Arrange the cuts onto a timeline, putting transitions between them
Prepend a title
Extras: add text to some scenes, maybe music, do some fade-in and fade-out, ....
Watch the result, do corrections
Export it, i.e. the application mixes together a video from the timeline
Mostly I have just videos from my action camera, so I rarely need conversions
to combine clips with different codecs.
I copy all videos from the camera into one directory that I name according to the event and its date.
Step 1 is manual work, but can result in an machine-readable list of cuts to do.
Step 2 can be done losslessly by ffmpeg.
Step 3 can be done by ffmpeg, lossless, except transitions,
this goes into pixels and would require re-encoding.
All other steps can be done by OpenShot, and this doesn't take too much time
(select all loaded videos, click context-menu "Add to Timeline").
As support for controlling the the cutting-plan, the below script
joinVideos.sh can produce a draft video (without title and transitions) very quickly.
Cutting Plan
Here is an example cutting-plan that I used for development.
It shows all the possibilities you have to specify video cuts.
Concept was to allow free text everywhere,
and make video names and start/end times recognizable easily.
This cutting-plan specifies four videos: GOPR1486.MP4, GOPR1487.MP4, GOPR1488.mp4, 20200905_133128.mp4. GOPR1486.MP4 has a cut from second 3.123 to second 8.234, and from second 22 to the video's end.
The entire GOPR1487.MP4 will be taken. GOPR1488.mp4 specifies a cut from second 20 to 25. The optional "-" was omitted here. 20200905_133128.mp4 and its time specification will be ignored due to leading spaces.
File and Directory Structure
I always call my cutting-plan cuts.txt and place it in the same directory as the videos to cut.
The video-cuts produced will be placed into a cuts sub-directory there.
I let the script overwrite any existing directory.
Here is an example directory structure for video cutting like done by the script below.
The video directory testvideos contains videos to cut (maybe some more than just these),
and a text file called cuts.txt.
The clips sub-directory inside testvideos was produced
by running the cut-script (see below) with the example cuts.txt cutting-plan mentioned above.
You see that two clips have been extracted from GOPR1486.MP4, and
20200905_133128.mp4 has been ignored.
After some experiments I decided for an
awk script, embedded into a
UNIX shell script
(awk is available with CYGWIN shell also for WINDOWS).
awk is ideal for processing non-complex and line-oriented text like a cutting-plan.
→ All scripts below expect the directory containing the video files as first parameter.
This UNIX shell script with nested awk script performs the cuts specified in cutting-plan cuts.txt:
######################################################## Carries out a cutting plan containing several videos,# each video can have a list of cuts.#######################################################
which ffmpeg >/dev/null ||{echo"You must have ffmpeg installed to cut videos with this script!" >&2
exit 1
}[ -z "$1"]&&{echo"SYNTAX: $0 videoDir/[cuts.txt] [-mpegts]" >&2
echo" All files.MP4 must be in same directory as cuts.txt is." >&2
echo" cuts.txt contains video names and start - end times of cuts below it." >&2
echo" Example:" >&2
echo" GOPR0123.MP4" >&2
echo" 7 - 11" >&2
echo" 0:59 - 1:2:34.5" >&2
echo" 1:30 - end" >&2
echo" GOPR0456.MP4" >&2
echo" all" >&2
echo" Lines starting with spaces will be ignored." >&2
echo" 'End' (end of video) and 'All' (whole video) are case-insensitive keywords." >&2
echo" Use -mpegts option when videos have different codecs, but mind that results are not .MP4 then, they are to be joined by joinVideos.sh!" >&2
exit 2
}if[ -d $1]# assume default cuts.txtthenvideoDir=$1cuttingPlan=cuts.txt
elif[ -f $1]# explicitly named cutting planthenvideoDir=`dirname \$1`cuttingPlan=`basename \$1`elseecho"Could not find directory or file $1" >&2
exit 3
fiif["$2"="-mpegts"]# write cuts in transport stream format for concat.shthenmpegts=true# this is needed when videos come from different sourceselsempegts=falseficd$videoDir||exit 4
# remove all former clipsecho"Removing old cuts-directory $cutsDir in `pwd` ..." >&2
rm -rf $cutsDir||exit 5
mkdir $cutsDir||exit 5
# read the cutting plan and execute it
awk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE = 1 # make all pattern matching case-insensitive toMpegTs = ("'$mpegts'" == "true") # mpegts comes from underlying shell cutsDir = "'$cutsDir'" fileNr = 0 if (exists("TITLE.MP4")) if (toMpegTs) { # must convert to transport-stream format videoFile = "TITLE.MP4" addCommand("0:0", "end") } else # no need to cut title system("cp TITLE.MP4 " cutsDir "/000_TITLE_CUT.MP4") } function nextClipFile(fileNr) { # build the name "001_GOPR01234_CUT.MP4" videoClipFile = toupper(videoFile) sub(/\.MP4$/, "", videoClipFile) # remove extension sortNumber = sprintf("%03i", fileNr) # zero-padded sort number videoClipFile = sortNumber "_" videoClipFile "_CUT.MP4" (toMpegTs ? "TS" : "") return cutsDir "/" videoClipFile # cutsDir comes from underlying shell } function addCommand(fromTime, toTime) { if (toTime ~ /^end/) { checkWithinVideo(calculateSeconds(fromTime)) toTime = "" # take all until end duration = "" } else { durationSeconds = checkFromTo(fromTime, toTime) # checks both for correctness and existence toTime = "-to " toTime duration = "-t " durationSeconds } mpegts = toMpegTs ? " -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts " : "" fileNr++ # output seeking by decoding, slow, fails with MPEGTS # commands[fileNr] = "ffmpeg -v error -y -i " videoFile " -ss " fromTime " " toTime " -c copy -avoid_negative_ts 1 " mpegts nextClipFile() # input seeking by keyframes, fast, not precise, works with MPEGTS commands[fileNr] = "ffmpeg -v error -y -ss " fromTime " " duration " -i " videoFile " -c copy -avoid_negative_ts 1 " mpegts nextClipFile(fileNr) } function executeCommand(command) { print command exitCode = system(command) if (exitCode != 0) executionError("Command failed with exit " exitCode ": " command, exitCode) } function checkFromTo(from, to) { fromSeconds = calculateSeconds(from) toSeconds = calculateSeconds(to) if (fromSeconds < 0) error("Begin-time " fromSeconds " is negative: " $0, 7) if (fromSeconds >= toSeconds) error("Begin-time " from " is greater or equal end-time " to, 7) checkWithinVideo(toSeconds) return toSeconds - fromSeconds } function checkWithinVideo(timeInSeconds) { if (timeInSeconds > 0) { # no need to check zero durationCommand = "ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 " videoFile durationCommand | getline videoSeconds close(durationCommand) if ( ! videoSeconds ) error("Could not read video seconds from " videoFile) print "Checking if " videoFile " having " videoSeconds " seconds contains " timeInSeconds >"/dev/stderr" if (timeInSeconds >= videoSeconds) error("Time " timeInSeconds " is out of video bounds (" videoSeconds " seconds): " $0, 7) } return videoSeconds } function calculateSeconds(time) { numberOfTimeParts = split(time, timeParts, ":") resultTime = 0 for (i in timeParts) { timePart = timeParts[i] if (timePart !~ /^[0-9\.]+$/) error("Invalid time part: " timePart, 7) resultTime += timePart if (i < numberOfTimeParts) resultTime *= 60 } return resultTime } function error(message, exitCode) { print "ERROR in '$cuttingPlan' at line " NR ": " message >"/dev/stderr" quit(exitCode) } function executionError(message, exitCode) { print "EXECUTION ERROR: " message >"/dev/stderr" quit(exitCode) } function quit(exitCode) { errNo = exitCode # make END do nothing exit exitCode } function exists(filePath) { return system("test -f " filePath) == 0 } /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.MP4[ \t]*$/ { # next video file videoFile = $1 if ( ! exists(videoFile) ) error("file does not exist or is empty: " videoFile, 8) } /^[0-9]+:?[0-9\.]*[ \t]/ { # next start - end times of a clip to extract if (videoFile) # there was a video file name before addCommand($1, ($2 == "-" ? $3 : $2)) else error("Found start - end time without video file: " $0, 9) } /^all/ { # copy the whole video as clip addCommand("0", "end") } END { if ( ! errNo ) # error() would set this if ( ! fileNr ) error("No video cuts were found in '$cuttingPlan' !", 9) else for (c in commands) # execute all collected commands executeCommand(commands[c]) }'$cuttingPlan||exit$?echo"Generated cut videos in `pwd`/$cutsDir"
It would take too much space explaining the whole script.
(Essentially there is a lot of code here that just checks and documents usage.)
Here are the most important things:
If you have several cutting plans, or it is not called cuts.txt, you can append the plan name to the videoDir given as first parameter to the script
The script will replace any existing cuts sub-directory (where the clips are to be placed)
Resulting clips will be named uppercase with a leading sort-order number
Video file names must comply to this regular expression: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.MP4[ \t]*$/ (letters, digits, underscore, minus, nothing than spaces at line end),
that means you can not have free text on the line where the video name is
The script will terminate with error when
a video doesn't exist or is empty
a cut's begin time is after or equal to the end time
a cut time is not within the video's duration
The ffmpeg command is built together in function addCommand()
When a file named TITLE.MP4 exists in the directory of the videos to cut,
the script will copy it into the cuts sub-directory and give it the name
000_TITLE_CUT.MP4, to be the first clip of the result video assembled by joinVideos.sh
(clips start with "001_").
This second script is to join video cuts.
It builds on some naming conventions created by cutVideos.sh.
######################################################## Joins together video clips created by cuts.sh.#######################################################checkCompatiblity="false"# "true" when using different cameras![ -z "$1"]&&{echo"SYNTAX: $0 videoDir" >&2
echo" Joins all _CUT.MP4 videos in given videoDir/cuts." >&2
echo" videoDir: directory of original videos where 'cuts' directory is below." >&2
exit 1
}[ -d "$1"]||{echo"Given videoDir is not a directory: $1" >&2
}cd$1/cuts ||exit 2 # "cuts" is a naming convention used in cutVideos.shallCutsVideo=$1/`basename \$1`.MP4
echo"Creating $allCutsVideo ..." >&2
rm -f $concatFile
formatProperties(){# $1 = property name, $2 = video file path
ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=$1 -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 $2 | sort | uniq | sed 's/^/format /'}
streamProperties(){# $1 = property name, $2 = stream name, $3 = video file path
ffprobe -v error -select_streams $2 -show_entries stream=$1 -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 $3 | sort | uniq | sed 's/^/'$2' /'}
rm -f ffprobe1.check ffprobe2.check $concatFile}
error(){# message, exitcodeecho$1 >&2
# remove preceding result video[ -f $allCutsVideo]&&{echo"Removing existing join-video $allCutsVideo ..." >&2
rm -f $allCutsVideo||exit 4
}for videoClip in `ls -1 *_CUT.MP4* | sort`# naming convention used in cutVideos.shdo case$videoClip in
*.MP4TS)["$mpegts"="false"]&& error "Can not mix .MP4 and .MP4TS files: $videoClip" 6
*.MP4)["$mpegts"="true"]&& error "Can not mix .MP4TS and .MP4 files: $videoClip" 7
esac["$mpegts"="false" -a "$checkCompatiblity"="true"]&&{# check if different video propertiesecho"Compatibility check: $videoClip ..."if[ -f ffprobe1.check ]thencheckfile=ffprobe2.check
firstClip=$videoClipfiformatProperties format_name $videoClip >$checkfile
streamProperties codec_name,profile,time_base,pix_fmt,r_frame_rate,width,height v:0 $videoClip >>$checkfile
streamProperties codec_name,sample_rate,channels a:0 $videoClip >>$checkfile[ -f ffprobe2.check ]&&{# being at second file
diff ffprobe1.check ffprobe2.check || error "The video $firstClip (left) seems not to be combinable with $videoClip (right)!" 8
}}echo"file $videoClip" >>$concatFiledone[ -f $concatFile]|| error "No *_CUT.MP4* files found in given directory: $1" 9
cat $concatFile# concatenate the videos["$mpegts"="true"]&&fromMpegTs="-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -brand avc1 -f 3gp"echo"Concatenating videos ..."
ffmpeg -v error -y -f concat -i $concatFile -c copy $fromMpegTs$allCutsVideo
echo"Generated $allCutsVideo"
Important to know:
Clips are expected to be named *_CUT.MP4* (uppercase)
The script will terminate with error when it did not find videos in the given directory
The script checks whether the videos can be combined, i.e. have same codecs and time-bases,
except when the files have a .MP4TS extension (are in mpegts format).
You should remove this check in case it takes too much performance!
Videos in "transport stream" format will be recognized automatically by their .MP4TS extension
If you mix .MP4 and .MP4TS (mpegts) videos, the script will terminate with error before generating any result video
The name of the result video will be [videoDirectory].MP4 and it will reside in videoDirectory,
any existing file will be overwritten without warning!
To be complete, here is a script that will provide you a cutting-plan skeleton.
######################################################## Lists video file names into cutting plan cuts.txt.#######################################################[ -z "$1"]&&{echo"SYNTAX: $0 videoDir" >&2
echo" Lists video files.MP4 into cutting plan cuts.txt." >&2
exit 1
}cd$1||exit 1
[ -f $cutsText]&&{# do not overwrite manually edited oneecho"ERROR: $1/$cutsText already exists!" >&2
exit 1
ls -1 *.MP4 *.mp4 2>/dev/null | sort >$cutsTextecho"Generated $cutsText video list in `pwd`"
This is useful because it sorts the videos, and there could be many.
Mind that long GOPRO videos are split into 4 GB parts,
and the names of the split parts do not comply to the alfanumeric sort order of the normal videos,
so you need to place them manually.
Still the most work will be filling that generated cutting plan with cuts.
Hope this will help you to reduce computer time and give you more time for recording videos -
have fun!