Yet another Blog about information visualization. The JavaScript working in this page extends the script I wrote for generating table-of-contents, see my according Blog article.
The idea is to not have a separate table-of-contents but to have the document within the TOC, or, in other words, to have a document that is a TOC. This is possible only with expand-controls as used in an UI tree, else the document could not mimic a TOC. Have a look at the treeification example below (it was not only Daphne, there were also Philemon and Baucis :-).
Treeification Example
This is chapter 1.
This is chapter 1.1.
This is chapter 1.1.1
This is chapter 1.1.2
This is chapter 2
This is chapter 2.1
This is chapter 2.1.1
This is chapter
This is chapter
This is chapter
This is chapter 2.1.2
This is chapter 2.2
This is chapter 2.3
This is chapter 2.3.1
This is chapter 2.3.2
This is chapter
This is chapter 3
This is chapter 3.1
This is chapter 4
You see just the top-level headings. You can choose which one you are interested in and expand it. When you decide to go into breadth first, you could expand another top-level heading. Or you go into detail and expand the first one further.
The contrary approach is to have the document initially fully expanded. You can skip chapters you are not interested in by collapsing them.
A further idea would be to have just the headers visible, not the chapter text. Wherever there is chapter text, an expand control would be there to make it visible. Haven't implemented this yet.
What is missing for sure are buttons to (1) fully expand and (2) fully collapse the document.
The remainder of this Blog will be about how this was implemented in JS.
And I will layout that as treeification, so please click on the left-side arrows to see text.
Use Old
What I had in mind was to reuse the module introduced in my Blog article about table-of-contents generation, and some folding logic introduced in my article about folding, to generate a "folded document".
The essence of writing is rewriting.
This also applies to software!
So the first thing to do was rewrite the TOC-generator to have overridable functions
that can be used to change its behaviour. In this case I introduced a new function
customizeHeading(level, heading, titleElement)
that gets called for every chapter heading found.
Remember that the title element could be different from the heading element,
e.g. the heading is the parent div
, and the title is some nested h3
To the title element the expand control must be attached, and the heading element determines the
content to be folded by the expand control.
Another adaption was to split the too big parameter list of tableOfContents()
into parameters of statical and dynamical character. The staticals went up to the enclosing factory function,
while the dynamicals stayed on tableOfContents()
, which is now
tableOfContents(topElement, headingTags, tocContainer)
. And I added a statical parameter
, which makes sense only for treeification, not for TOC-generation.
I also introduced a new function globalSettings()
that initially receives all
defaults and settings used during the document processing. Extensions thus have the chance
to know a little about what happens in the TOC generator.
To be able to reuse a JS module you must know at least its overridable functions, and what they are doing. Documentation of the base module helps a lot. Here is the start of the new module that builds upon the functionality of the TOC-generator module.
var that = {}; /** * Factory producing content-tree creator instances. * @param treeIndentInEm optional, for nested elements, the amount of tree-indentation in em, * defaults to undefined. * @param doTocNumbering optional, chapter numbers are prepended to TOC when true, * defaults to true. * @param doHeadingNumbering optional, chapter numbers are prepended to headings when true, * defaults to true. * @param chapterNumberSeparator optional, separator for chapter numbers, * defaults to ".". * @param doTrailingSeparator optional, when true chapter numbers will be * "1.2." instead of "1.2", defaults to false. * @param initiallyFolded optional, whether chapters should be initially collapsed, * defaults to false. * @return an instance that can treeify a document. */ that.create = function( treeIndentInEm, doTocNumbering, doHeadingNumbering, chapterNumberSeparator, doTrailingSeparator, initiallyFolded) { var foldingUtil = folding.create(); var tocUtil = tocCreator.create( treeIndentInEm, doTocNumbering, doHeadingNumbering, chapterNumberSeparator, doTrailingSeparator); var superTableOfContents = tocUtil.tableOfContents; /** Overwritten to install expand controls into the document tree before terminating. */ tocUtil.tableOfContents = function(topElement, headingTags, tocContainer) { var toReturn = superTableOfContents(topElement, headingTags, tocContainer); installExpandControls(); return toReturn; } ..... }; return that;
The create()
function is the factory that produces instances you can call
upon. It receives the statical parameters mentioned above.
Inside there are two objects that are given to this snippet globally
(e.g. through AMD factory arguments).
First is folding
factory that we need to install expand controls.
Second is tocCreator
which creates the TOC generator instance we will extend here.
Remember that in JS you always need an instance to perform inheritance.
The private variable tocUtil
receives that instance, and further code
uses that instance to extend it with overrides and new functionality.
Finally that instance is returned for calling the modified tableOfContents()
on it.
(That function name does not meet the purpose any more, a convenience function should be introduced
that delegates to it.)
The override of tableOfContents()
first calls superTableOfContents
to execute the document processing.
Then, after having received tree information through overrides, it installs expand controls by
using the foldingUtil
and some new functions that find the content to be folded.
Mind that calling super in JS functional inheritance requires at least two lines of code: storing the super-implementation into some variable, and then calling it from its override.
Some functions should not work like they do when treeifying the document.
First there should not be a TOC, because the document itself will be like a TOC.
Then we do not need hyperlinks from the TOC to the chapter heading.
Finally we want to receive tree information from the document traversal,
and we override the new function customizeHeading(level, heading, titleElement)
for that.
Additionally we receive the ground-tree-level and the fact whether structure analysis is done by
h1 - h6
elements in globalSettings()
var tree = []; var levelByH1To6; var groundLevel; /** Overwritten to store global settings. */ tocUtil.globalSettings = function(headingsParam, topElementParam, groundLevelParam, headingTagsParam, levelByH1To6Param) { levelByH1To6 = levelByH1To6Param; groundLevel = groundLevelParam; }; /** Overwritten to NOT insert TOC into document. */ tocUtil.createDefaultTocContainer = function() { return document.createElement("div"); }; /** Overwritten to do nothing, nothing gets linked here. */ tocUtil.setHyperlinkIdToHeading = function() { return undefined; }; /** Overwritten to create just an LI item for chapter number counting. */ tocUtil.createTocItem = function() { return tocUtil.createTocListItem(); }; /** Overwritten to build a tree from super's iterations through heading elements. */ tocUtil.customizeHeading = function(level, heading, titleElement) { tree.push({ level: level, heading: heading, titleElement: titleElement }); };
For storing tree information we hold the private instance-bound array tree
Each tree node, ordered depth-first, will be in there as an object with heading, title and tree-level.
After super's document iteration we will use this array to install folding,
and it must stay untouched during the whole page lifetime, because it will be used any time
an expand control is clicked to retrieve child elements to be shown or hidden.
To Create New
So what further do we have to do here? Install the folding controls.
var installExpandControls = function() { for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var t = tree[i]; installExpandControl(t.level, t.heading, t.titleElement); } };
Unfortunately it is quite complex to find the correct elements to show and hide on expand-control clicks.
When you read my Blog about
you might remember that on "collapse" we make invisible all elements below the control,
but on "expand" we must not make visible elements that are managed by other expand controls.
Else the expansion state of child items will be lost.
To make it even harder we must distinguish between the chapter hierarchy and the HTML element hierarchy,
which may be identical, but could be different. In case of h1 - h6
a structural child might be a HTML sibling. And that kind of structuring is more popular than
nesting div
or section
elements into each other.
So let's solve the easy problems first.
Structural Children
Following function shows how the tree
array is used to find a list of structural children,
whereby that list contains children of any depth, meaning the whole sub-tree of the given heading, recursively.
var structuralChildren = function(heading) { var structuralChildren = []; var level; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var h = tree[i].heading; var l = tree[i].level; if (level !== undefined) { if (l > level) structuralChildren.push(tree[i]); else if (l <= level) return structuralChildren; } else if (h === heading) { level = l; } } return structuralChildren; };
And this one finds the next structural sibling of a heading.
var nextStructuralSibling = function(heading) { var level; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var h = tree[i].heading; var l = tree[i].level; if (level !== undefined && l <= level) return h; else if (h === heading) level = l; } return undefined; };
Mind that is legal to return undefined, because the last element won't have a next sibling. These two functions give us all we need to know about structural elements.
Elements to Toggle
When an expand control is closed, we need to hide (1) direct children except the title element and any parent of it, and (2) in case the structural children are not HTML children, all siblings elements until the next structural sibling. The same is for opening an expand control, with the difference that we must retain the expansion states of children.
var directChildrenWithout = function(titleElement, heading) { var directChildren = []; for (var i = 0; i < heading.children.length; i++) { var child = heading.children[i]; if ( ! domUtil.isElementOrParentOf(child, titleElement, heading) ) directChildren.push(child); } return directChildren; };
This finds direct HTML children (not the whole sub-tree recursively),
excluding the given title element and any of its parents.
The next function finds HTML sibling elements until a given stop-sibling.
var siblingsUntil = function(heading, stopElement) { var siblings = []; var inBranch = false; var parent = heading.parentNode; for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length && parent.children[i] !== stopElement; i++) { var sibling = parent.children[i]; if (inBranch) siblings.push(sibling); else if (sibling === heading) inBranch = true; } return siblings; };
Putting It Together
var installExpandControl = function(level, heading, titleElement) { var elementsToHide = getElementsToHide(heading, titleElement); var childHeadings = structuralChildren(heading); var content = function(displayed) { if (displayed) return getElementsToShow(elementsToHide, childHeadings); else return elementsToHide; }; foldingUtil.connect( titleElement, content, initiallyFolded === undefined ? false : initiallyFolded, false); if ( ! levelByH1To6 && treeIndentInEm !== undefined)["padding-left"] = ""+((level - groundLevel) * treeIndentInEm)+"em"; };
This installs the expand controls, and indents the heading when possible and required.
How folding
works is beyond the scope of this article.
In short, it prepends an arrow to the given titleElement
, and connects the click callback
of that arrow to a function that sets given content
visible or invisible.
These content elements can be given as single element, as array of elements, or as a function that returns element(s).
Here a function is used, that in the case of "setting displayed" returns what
getElementsToShow(elementsToHide, childHeadings)
delivers, and in case of
"setting not displayed" returns the array of elements to hide.
As a precondition for that, the function reads the list of elements to hide from
getElementsToHide(heading, titleElement)
. Parts of that list will also be
used in case of "setting displayed".
var getElementsToHide = function(heading, titleElement) { var directChildren = directChildrenWithout(titleElement, heading); var stopElement = nextStructuralSibling(heading); var siblings = siblingsUntil(heading, stopElement); var elementsToHide = []; for (var i = 0; i < directChildren.length; i++) elementsToHide.push(directChildren[i]); for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) elementsToHide.push(siblings[i]); return elementsToHide; };
This collects the direct children of the heading element, excluding the title, and all siblings until the next structural sibling.
Mind that no arrays are passed around. Any returned array is built from scratch, several arrays are joined into a new array. This is the safer way to program with lists or arrays.
var getElementsToShow = function(elementsToHide, childHeadings) { var collapsedChildHeadings = []; for (var i = 0; i < childHeadings.length; i++) { var childHeading = childHeadings[i]; if ( ! foldingUtil.isExpanded(childHeading.titleElement) ) collapsedChildHeadings.push(childHeading); } var elementsToShow = []; for (var j = 0; j < elementsToHide.length; j++) { var elementToHide = elementsToHide[j]; var isBelowCollapsed = false; for (var k = 0; k < collapsedChildHeadings.length && isBelowCollapsed === false; k++) { var collapsedHeading = collapsedChildHeadings[k]; var elementsBelowCollapsed = getElementsToHide(collapsedHeading.heading, collapsedHeading.titleElement); if (contains(elementsBelowCollapsed, elementToHide)) isBelowCollapsed = true; } if (isBelowCollapsed === false) elementsToShow.push(elementToHide); } return elementsToShow; }; var contains = function(array, element) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (array[i] === element) return true; return false; };
This is the solution for the complexity when opening an expand control. It retains the expansion states of child elements.
The parameter elementsToHide
contains all elements that would be hidden when closing the control.
This is filtered by means of the second parameter that contains all child headings (recursively) that also can expand
or collapse content.
First those child headings are retrieved that are currently collapsed.
Then the new array elementsToShow
is created.
It receives all elements from elementsToHide
that are not below any of the collapsed child headings.
Use it
What has not been shown here are the folding
and domUtil
You can find these in the folded full source on bottom of this page.
Here is a use case that calls the new module:
<script type="text/javascript"> "use strict"; var treeCreatorInstance = treeCreator.create( 1, /* indentation */ undefined, /* whether TOC items should have numbering, true/false */ false, /* whether chapter headings should have numbering, true/false */ undefined, /* chapter number separator different from "." */ undefined, /* whether chapter numbers should have a trailing separator, true/false */ true /* whether document tree should be initially collapsed, true/false */ ); var blogDiv = document.getElementById("blog"); treeCreatorInstance.tableOfContents(blogDiv); </script>
For me there were several reasons why I wanted to reuse the TOC-generator module:
- optional chapter numbering
- ready-made document structuring engine, providing overrides
- the default "guess document structure" implementation that will be sufficient for most cases
There are a lot of new ideas now to continue this work.
One thing is making the initiallyFolded
parameter more flexible.
It should be configurable for any chapter individually whether it is collapsed or not.
Click here to see full source code.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 | "use strict"; var tocCreator = function() { var that = {}; /** * Factory producing TOC creator instances. * @param treeIndentInEm optional, for nested elements, the amount of tree-indentation in em, * defaults to 1. * @param doTocNumbering optional, chapter numbers are prepended to TOC when true, * defaults to true. * @param doHeadingNumbering optional, chapter numbers are prepended to headings when true, * defaults to true. * @param chapterNumberSeparator optional, separator for chapter numbers, * defaults to ".". * @param doTrailingSeparator optional, when true chapter numbers will be * "1.2." instead of "1.2", defaults to false. * @return an instance that can create dynamic table-of-contents. */ that.create = function( treeIndentInEm, doTocNumbering, doHeadingNumbering, chapterNumberSeparator, doTrailingSeparator) { var tocUtil = {}; /** * Reads headings, numbers them, extracts them to a linked table-of-contents * and inserts that TOC below a single h1 heading, or as first child of given top-element. * @param topElement optional, the HTML element to search for headings, * defaults to document body. * @param headingTags optional, the CSS selector to use for search of structuring elements, * defaults to "h2, h3, h4, h5, h6". * @param tocContainer optional, the container where to insert the created TOC, * defaults to topElement below a single H1, or on top. * @return the given or created container of the table-of-contents. */ tocUtil.tableOfContents = function(topElement, headingTags, tocContainer) { topElement = topElement || document.body; headingTags = headingTags || guessHeadingTags(topElement); doTocNumbering = (doTocNumbering === undefined) ? true : doTocNumbering; doHeadingNumbering = (doHeadingNumbering === undefined) ? true : doHeadingNumbering; chapterNumberSeparator = chapterNumberSeparator || "."; doTrailingSeparator = (doTrailingSeparator === undefined) ? false : doTrailingSeparator; var headings = tocUtil.findHeadingsInOrder(topElement, headingTags); if ( ! headings || ! headings.length ) return; tocContainer = tocContainer || tocUtil.createDefaultTocContainer(topElement); var levelByH1To6 = /h[1-6]/i.test(headingTags); var groundLevel= tocUtil.getLevel(headings[0], topElement, headingTags, levelByH1To6); tocUtil.globalSettings(headings, topElement, groundLevel, headingTags, levelByH1To6); var stack = []; stack.push({ level: groundLevel, chapterList: appendTocList(tocContainer) }); for (var i = 0; i < headings.length; i++) { var heading = headings[i]; var currentList = peek(stack); var currentLevel = currentList.level; var headingLevel = tocUtil.getLevel(heading, topElement, headingTags, levelByH1To6); if (headingLevel === currentLevel + 1) { stack.push({ level: headingLevel, chapterList: appendTocList(getLastListElement(currentList.chapterList)) }); } else if (headingLevel < currentLevel) { for (; headingLevel < currentLevel; currentLevel--) stack.pop(); } else if (headingLevel > currentLevel + 1) { throw "Inconsistent document structure, incrementing level from "+currentLevel+" to "+headingLevel; } appendTocItem( stack, levelByH1To6, heading, doTocNumbering, doHeadingNumbering, chapterNumberSeparator, doTrailingSeparator); } return tocContainer; }; /** * Publish global settings (that won't change) to sub-objects. * This implementation does nothing, it is to be overridden. */ tocUtil.globalSettings = function(headings, topElement, groundLevel, headingTags, levelByH1To6) { }; var guessHeadingTags = function(topElement) { var defaultHeadingTags = "h2, h3, h4, h5, h6"; var defaultHeadings = tocUtil.findHeadingsInOrder(topElement, defaultHeadingTags); var firstTagName; for (var i = 0; i < defaultHeadings.length; i++) { if ( ! firstTagName ) firstTagName = defaultHeadings[i].tagName; else if (firstTagName !== defaultHeadings[i].tagName) return defaultHeadingTags; /* found at least two different heading tags */ } if (hasMoreThanOne(topElement, "div")) return "div"; if (hasMoreThanOne(topElement, "section")) return "section"; if (hasMoreThanOne(topElement, "article")) return "article"; return defaultHeadingTags; }; var hasMoreThanOne = function(topElement, cssSelector) { var headings = tocUtil.findHeadingsInOrder(topElement, cssSelector); return headings && headings.length > 1; }; /** * Reads all headings to extract and number, in document order: * querySelectorAll() does it, see * * @param topElement the HTML element to search for headings. * @param headingTags the CSS selector to use for search. * @return something that has a length and can be iterated with a for loop. */ tocUtil.findHeadingsInOrder = function(topElement, headingTags) { return topElement.querySelectorAll(headingTags); }; /** * Searches for a h1, places TOC as div below it when found, else * places TOC as first child of given HTML element or body. * @return what is to be used as container for the table of contents. */ tocUtil.createDefaultTocContainer = function(topElement) { var toc = document.createElement("div"); var headings1 = topElement.getElementsByTagName("h1"); var heading1 = (headings1 && headings1.length === 1) ? headings1[0] : undefined; if (heading1) heading1.parentElement.insertBefore(toc, heading1.nextSibling); else topElement.insertBefore(toc, topElement.children[0]); return toc; }; tocUtil.getLevel = function(heading, topElement, headingTags, levelByH1To6) { return levelByH1To6 ? tocUtil.getHeadingLevel(heading) : tocUtil.getNestingLevel(heading, topElement, headingTags); }; /** @return the given heading's number, e.g. "3" from "h3". */ tocUtil.getHeadingLevel = function(heading) { return parseInt(heading.tagName.substring(1)); }; /** @return the 0-n level of given element, relative to given topElement. */ tocUtil.getNestingLevel = function(element, topElement, nestingTags) { var parent = element.parentNode; var i = 0; while (parent !== topElement) { if (parent.tagName && new RegExp(parent.tagName, "i").test(nestingTags)) i++; /* when tag is in nesting-tags, count this as level */ parent = parent.parentNode; } return i; }; var peek = function(stack) { return stack[stack.length - 1]; }; var getLastListElement = function(list) { return list.children[list.children.length - 1]; }; /** * This implementation returns the input number unchanged. * @return a chapter number converted to arbitrary numbering system (Roman, letter, ...). */ tocUtil.convertChapterNumber = function(number) { return number; }; var createNextChapterNumber = function(stack, chapterNumberSeparator) { var number = ""; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { var currentList = stack[i]; var currentNumber = currentList.chapterList.children.length; if (i === stack.length - 1) /* end of nestings, at rightmost chapter number */ currentNumber++; /* create NEXT number */ currentNumber = tocUtil.convertChapterNumber(currentNumber); number = number+(number === "" ? "" : chapterNumberSeparator)+currentNumber; } return number; }; /** * This implementation creates an UL element without list-style-type (no bullets). * @return a list that will hold a chapter headings. */ tocUtil.createTocList = function() { var list = document.createElement("ul"); = "list-style-type: none; "+ (treeIndentInEm !== undefined ? "padding-left: "+treeIndentInEm+"em;" : ""); return list; }; var appendTocList = function(parent) { var list = tocUtil.createTocList(); parent.appendChild(list); return list; }; /** * This implementation creates a LI element. * @return an TOC item element that will receive a chapter heading link. */ tocUtil.createTocListItem = function() { return document.createElement("li"); }; /** * This implementation creates and links an A element. * @return a TOC link element that will receive a chapter heading text. */ tocUtil.createHyperlink = function(headingHtml, headingId) { var hyperLink = document.createElement("a"); hyperLink.innerHTML = headingHtml; hyperLink.setAttribute("href", "#"+headingId); return hyperLink; }; var getTextContent = function(nestingElement) { var title = (nestingElement.childNodes[0] && nestingElement.childNodes[0].nodeName === "#text") ? nestingElement.childNodes[0].textContent : undefined; return (title && (title = title.trim())) ? title : undefined; }; /** * @return this is called when the document is structured by * nested elements, and it is expected to return the heading-element * for given nested container, e.g. the heading in a section. * This implementation returns the first child element that * is not a single child. */ tocUtil.getTitleElementFromNesting = function(nestedElement) { while (nestedElement.children.length === 1) nestedElement = nestedElement.children[0]; /* in case there are wrappers */ var titleElement = nestedElement.children[0] ? nestedElement.children[0] : nestedElement; while (titleElement.children.length === 1) titleElement = titleElement.children[0]; /* in case there are wrappers */ return titleElement; }; tocUtil.setHyperlinkIdToHeading = function(nextChapterNumber, titleElement) { var headingId = "h"+nextChapterNumber.replace(/\./g, '_'); titleElement.setAttribute("id", headingId); return headingId; }; tocUtil.prependToElement = function(levelByH1To6, toPrepend, titleText, titleElement) { if (levelByH1To6) /* assuming H[1-6] has no children */ titleElement.innerHTML = toPrepend+" "+titleText; else titleElement.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(toPrepend+" "), titleElement.childNodes[0]); }; tocUtil.createTocItem = function( doTocNumbering, nextChapterNumber, headingText, headingId) { var tocItem = tocUtil.createTocListItem(); if (doTocNumbering) { var chapterNumber = document.createElement("span"); chapterNumber.innerHTML = nextChapterNumber+" "; tocItem.appendChild(chapterNumber); } var hyperLink = tocUtil.createHyperlink(headingText, headingId); tocItem.appendChild(hyperLink); return tocItem; }; var appendTocItem = function( stack, levelByH1To6, heading, doTocNumbering, doHeadingNumbering, chapterNumberSeparator, doTrailingSeparator) { var nextChapterNumber = createNextChapterNumber(stack, chapterNumberSeparator); if (doTrailingSeparator) nextChapterNumber = nextChapterNumber + chapterNumberSeparator; var headingText = levelByH1To6 ? heading.innerHTML : getTextContent(heading); var titleElement = (levelByH1To6 || headingText) ? heading : tocUtil.getTitleElementFromNesting(heading); if ( ! headingText ) headingText = titleElement.innerHTML; if (doHeadingNumbering) tocUtil.prependToElement(levelByH1To6, nextChapterNumber, headingText, titleElement); var currentList = peek(stack); tocUtil.customizeHeading(currentList.level, heading, titleElement); var headingId = tocUtil.setHyperlinkIdToHeading(nextChapterNumber, titleElement); var tocItem = tocUtil.createTocItem( doTocNumbering, nextChapterNumber, headingText, headingId); currentList.chapterList.appendChild(tocItem); }; /* * Called once for each chapter heading. Does nothing. To be overridden. * @param level the tree level of heading. * @param heading the current heading/nesting element to customize. * @param titleElement the element holding the chapter title, mostly identical with heading. */ tocUtil.customizeHeading = function(level, heading, titleElement) { }; return tocUtil; }; return that; }(); var domUtil = function() { var setDisplayed = function(element, displayed) { if (displayed === true && ! isDisplayed(element)) { var displayStyle = element.oldDisplayStyle ? element.oldDisplayStyle : ""; = displayStyle; } else if ( ! displayed && isDisplayed(element)) { element.oldDisplayStyle =; = "none"; } }; var isDisplayed = function(element) { return !== "none"; }; var isElementOrParentOf = function(toSearch, startElement, topMostElement) { var parent = startElement; while (parent && parent !== topMostElement) { if (parent === toSearch) return true; parent = parent.parentNode; } return false; }; return { isDisplayed: isDisplayed, setDisplayed: setDisplayed, isElementOrParentOf: isElementOrParentOf, }; }(); var folding = function() { var that = {}; that.blackTriangleRight = "\u25B6"; that.blackTriangleDown = "\u25BC"; that.whiteTriangleRight = "\u25B7"; that.whiteTriangleDown = "\u25BD"; = "+"; that.minus = "\u2012"; that.blackTriangleRightSmall = "\u25B8"; that.blackTriangleDownSmall = "\u25BE"; that.whiteTriangleRightSmall = "\u25B9"; that.whiteTriangleDownSmall = "\u25BF"; that.create = function(expandSymbol, collapseSymbol, styling) { var foldingUtil = {}; var symbolExpand = expandSymbol || that.whiteTriangleRight; var symbolCollapse = collapseSymbol || that.whiteTriangleDown; foldingUtil.connect = function(titleElement, content, initiallyFolded, canClickWholeTitle) { var expandControl = prependExpandControlContainer(titleElement); expandControl.innerHTML = (initiallyFolded ? symbolExpand : symbolCollapse); var notifier = canClickWholeTitle ? titleElement : expandControl; notifier.addEventListener("click", function() { clickListener(expandControl, content); }); if (canClickWholeTitle) = "pointer"; if (initiallyFolded) setDisplayed(content, false); return notifier; }; foldingUtil.isExpanded = function(titleElement) { var expandControl = getExpandControl(titleElement); return expandControl ? (expandControl.innerHTML === symbolCollapse) : true; }; var prependExpandControlContainer = function(titleElement) { var expandControl = getExpandControl(titleElement); if ( ! expandControl ) { expandControl = document.createElement("div"); = "inline-block"; = "1em"; = "1em"; = "pointer"; += "; text-align: center; margin-right: 0.5em;"; if (styling) styling(expandControl); titleElement.insertBefore(expandControl, titleElement.childNodes[0]); } return expandControl; }; var getExpandControl = function(titleElement) { var expandControl = titleElement.children[0]; if (expandControl) { var titleString = expandControl.innerHTML; if (titleString !== symbolCollapse && titleString !== symbolExpand) expandControl = undefined; } return expandControl; }; var clickListener = function(expandControl, content) { var displayed = isDisplayed(content); setDisplayed(content, displayed === false); expandControl.innerHTML = displayed ? symbolExpand : symbolCollapse; }; var setDisplayed = function(content, displayed) { if ( domUtil.setDisplayed(content, displayed); else if (content instanceof Array) for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) setDisplayed(content[i], displayed); else setDisplayed(content(displayed), displayed); }; var isDisplayed = function(content) { if ( return domUtil.isDisplayed(content); else if (content instanceof Array) return content.length > 0 && isDisplayed(content[0]); else return isDisplayed(content(true)); }; return foldingUtil; }; return that; }(); var treeCreator = function() { var that = {}; /** * Factory producing content-tree creator instances. * @param treeIndentInEm optional, for nested elements, the amount of tree-indentation in em, * defaults to undefined. * @param doTocNumbering optional, chapter numbers are prepended to TOC when true, * defaults to true. * @param doHeadingNumbering optional, chapter numbers are prepended to headings when true, * defaults to true. * @param chapterNumberSeparator optional, separator for chapter numbers, * defaults to ".". * @param doTrailingSeparator optional, when true chapter numbers will be * "1.2." instead of "1.2", defaults to false. * @param initiallyFolded optional, whether chapters should be initially collapsed, * defaults to false. * @return an instance that can treeify a document. */ that.create = function( treeIndentInEm, doTocNumbering, doHeadingNumbering, chapterNumberSeparator, doTrailingSeparator, initiallyFolded) { var foldingUtil = folding.create(); var tocUtil = tocCreator.create( treeIndentInEm, doTocNumbering, doHeadingNumbering, chapterNumberSeparator, doTrailingSeparator); var superTableOfContents = tocUtil.tableOfContents; var tree = []; var levelByH1To6; var groundLevel; /** Overwritten to install expand controls into the document tree before terminating. */ tocUtil.tableOfContents = function(topElement, headingTags, tocContainer) { var toReturn = superTableOfContents(topElement, headingTags, tocContainer); installExpandControls(); return toReturn; } /** Overwritten to store global settings. */ tocUtil.globalSettings = function(headingsParam, topElementParam, groundLevelParam, headingTagsParam, levelByH1To6Param) { levelByH1To6 = levelByH1To6Param; groundLevel = groundLevelParam; }; /** Overwritten to NOT insert TOC into document. */ tocUtil.createDefaultTocContainer = function() { return document.createElement("div"); }; /** Overwritten to do nothing, nothing gets linked here. */ tocUtil.setHyperlinkIdToHeading = function() { return undefined; }; /** Overwritten to create just an LI item for chapter number counting. */ tocUtil.createTocItem = function() { return tocUtil.createTocListItem(); }; /** Overwritten to build a tree from super's iterations through heading elements. */ tocUtil.customizeHeading = function(level, heading, titleElement) { tree.push({ level: level, heading: heading, titleElement: titleElement }); }; var directChildrenWithout = function(titleElement, heading) { var directChildren = []; for (var i = 0; i < heading.children.length; i++) { var child = heading.children[i]; if ( ! domUtil.isElementOrParentOf(child, titleElement, heading) ) directChildren.push(child); } return directChildren; }; var siblingsUntil = function(heading, stopElement) { var siblings = []; var inBranch = false; var parent = heading.parentNode; for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length && parent.children[i] !== stopElement; i++) { var sibling = parent.children[i]; if (inBranch) siblings.push(sibling); else if (sibling === heading) inBranch = true; } return siblings; }; var nextStructuralSibling = function(heading) { var level; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var h = tree[i].heading; var l = tree[i].level; if (level !== undefined && l <= level) return h; else if (h === heading) level = l; } return undefined; }; var structuralChildren = function(heading) { var structuralChildren = []; var level; for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var h = tree[i].heading; var l = tree[i].level; if (level !== undefined) { if (l > level) structuralChildren.push(tree[i]); else if (l <= level) return structuralChildren; } else if (h === heading) { level = l; } } return structuralChildren; }; var getElementsToHide = function(heading, titleElement) { var directChildren = directChildrenWithout(titleElement, heading); var stopElement = nextStructuralSibling(heading); var siblings = siblingsUntil(heading, stopElement); var elementsToHide = []; for (var i = 0; i < directChildren.length; i++) elementsToHide.push(directChildren[i]); for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) elementsToHide.push(siblings[i]); return elementsToHide; }; var getElementsToShow = function(elementsToHide, childHeadings) { var collapsedChildHeadings = []; for (var i = 0; i < childHeadings.length; i++) { var childHeading = childHeadings[i]; if ( ! foldingUtil.isExpanded(childHeading.titleElement) ) collapsedChildHeadings.push(childHeading); } var elementsToShow = []; for (var j = 0; j < elementsToHide.length; j++) { var elementToHide = elementsToHide[j]; var isBelowCollapsed = false; for (var k = 0; k < collapsedChildHeadings.length && isBelowCollapsed === false; k++) { var collapsedHeading = collapsedChildHeadings[k]; var elementsBelowCollapsed = getElementsToHide(collapsedHeading.heading, collapsedHeading.titleElement); if (contains(elementsBelowCollapsed, elementToHide)) isBelowCollapsed = true; } if (isBelowCollapsed === false) elementsToShow.push(elementToHide); } return elementsToShow; }; var contains = function(array, element) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (array[i] === element) return true; return false; }; var installExpandControls = function() { for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var t = tree[i]; installExpandControl(t.level, t.heading, t.titleElement); } }; /** * Installs expand controls on document headings. * An expand control toggles the visibility of direct * children of the given heading element (excluding the titleElement * holding the expand control, and none of that title's parents), * and all its siblings down to next heading element of same * or smaller level. */ var installExpandControl = function(level, heading, titleElement) { var elementsToHide = getElementsToHide(heading, titleElement); var childHeadings = structuralChildren(heading); var content = function(displayed) { if (displayed) return getElementsToShow(elementsToHide, childHeadings); else return elementsToHide; }; var folded; if (initiallyFolded === undefined) folded = false; else if (initiallyFolded === true || initiallyFolded === false) folded = initiallyFolded; else folded = initiallyFolded(heading, level); foldingUtil.connect(titleElement, content, folded, false); if ( ! levelByH1To6 && treeIndentInEm !== undefined)["padding-left"] = ""+((level - groundLevel) * treeIndentInEm)+"em"; }; return tocUtil; }; return that; }(); |
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